SunaVae: Inner Ear Regeneration: Miracles of Science

Discover why Inner Ear Regeneration is Possible! The opinion of modern medicine is that this is an impossiblity! When I heard this I set out in my own alternative medical practice to discover the truth. In this book, I have brought forth all the methods and modalities along with the science and references that support the theory that "INNER EAR REGENERATION" is possible. Combining the secret methods from Germany and Korea I have discovered that patients began to hear better, have less tinnitus and improved balance. From photo-biomodulation to stem cell injections to the inner ear I will take you on a journey into all things inner ear health and how to take better care of your ear with things like diet, fasting, methylene blue therapy, oxygen therapy, laser light therapy and sauna and lifestyle. I get into my life work using Endo Nasal Cranial Therapy, the most powerful physical adjustment possible to support the inner ear. After practicing for 30 years & training doctors all around the world, Dr Lieurance includes the newest breakthroughs discovered in his researching for care for the inner ear. Besides his private practice, Dr Lieurance works using endo nasal therapy with top athletes & the UFC Performance Institute in Las Vegas.
Discover a new book
Endo Nasal Cranial Therapy is a physical adjustment that can improve overall health and treat various conditions.
Endo Nasal Cranial Therapy is a powerful physical adjustment for the human body
Dr. Lieurance has been practicing and training doctors in this therapy for 30 years
In this book, he shares his newest breakthroughs and how Endo Nasal can be used to treat a variety of conditions including headaches, TMJ, neurological conditions, and vestibular disorders
Endo Nasal Therapy can improve CSF flow, nutrient delivery to the brain and spinal cord, and detox pathways
The book also explores the history of Endo Nasal Therapy and its benefits for brain and vestibular health
Suitable for both laypeople and practitioners, Dr. Lieurance also offers training through his institute at

Dr. John Lieurance
ND, DC, RMA, BS, DABCN (board eligible)
John Lieurance, ND, DC, RMA, BS, DABCN (board eligible) is a chiropractic neurologist & naturopath who has been in private practice for 25 years. He works at Advanced Rejuvenation, a multidisciplinary clinic, with a focus on alternative & regenerative medicine, naturopathic medicine, chiropractic functional neurology, functional cranial release (FCR), LumoMed, Lyme disease, mold illness, and other many neurological conditions. He travels internationally teaching other doctors.